The beginning of everything

Ace your exams with the ultimate study notes, learning toolkits, flashcards, practice tests


12.82 B

Years old

12.2 B

Years old
solar system

4.6 B

Years old

3.8 B

Years old
Class X Geography Textbook

Contemporary India – II

Develops an understanding of the inter-relationship between human beings and their physical environment and how that influences the livelihoods, culture, and the biodiversity of the region

Class XI Geography

Physical Geography

Understand the processes and patterns of the spatial arrangement of the natural features

Class XII Geography Textbook

Human Geography

Explore the relationship between people and their environment at different scales-local, state/region, nation and the world.

Geography Fun Activities

Our Wonderful World

Enjoy the best activities and fun  combined together. Explore the spirit of exploration and bring the wonder of the world to you.

About us & the far-reaching galaxy


I am a Geographer based in New Delhi, India, with 23 years of experience. For me, exploring the world, pushing the boundaries of creativity, sparking imagination, and guiding learners toward deeper understanding are vital aspects of my work. I view my role as a facilitator and navigator, helping students embark on their own journeys of discovery. As Socrates wisely said, ‘Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.

Suryaveer Singh


We’re cosmic

The world is out there, ready to explore. Try “4, 3, 2, 1” as a way to tune into your observations, taking time to engage your sense in the natural world. The next time you’re outside, find 4 things you can see, 3 things you can feel, 2 things you can hear, and 1 thing you can smell. What do you notice?


Sky is the limit

The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.


Beyond the stars

We believe students should take in the world as it exists (holistic reality) and, in doing so, become transformed by that experience.


We need space

Anyone can be an explorer and can notice interesting things about the world around them. You do not have to go somewhere far away or exotic, you just have to be curious and spend time looking.

Geography is fun

Be an Innovative 

You can set up an “observation station” in your house or a local park – somewhere that you observe consistently and can watch changes in elements of weather, Sunrise/Sunset or Moonrise/Moonset over time!

Small is beautiful @ park

You don’t have to go far away from home to see something new! Shrink down to the size of an ant and see what you can discover in your own neighborhood.

Heavy stuff
don’t sink

Located between Jordan and Israel, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth. The Dead Sea is also one of the saltiest bodies of water on the planet, with a salt concentration of 34%! Nothing sink there.

Mental map is’nt a Light stuff

Make a map of your neighborhood and try to estimate distances and directions between landmarks, and include legend (key), and mark directions of North, South, East, and West on your map.


We provide all study materials free under CC BY-NC-ND Licence.

 BY: credit must be given to the creator.
 NC: Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted.
 ND: No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.

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152 K


Materials can be held without tools in a microgravity environment


Welcome to my geography classroom activities portfolio! This collection showcases engaging projects and experiences designed to enhance students’ understanding of the world, fostering curiosity and critical thinking about geography. Enjoy exploring!


parth agg
This platform is as pure as cosmic & high as solar

Amazing support every step of the way every time

vivek yadav
Universal and great study material for everyone

Could not be any pleased about them

Discover uplifting geography news! From reforestation and expanding marine protection to clean energy growth and wildlife recovery, positive changes are helping preserve our planet’s landscapes and ecosystems for the future..

Jupiter has 63 moons but we have at least 63 good news for you!

Blog news

Welcome to Geography News! Explore global wonders, natural phenomena, and pressing environmental issues. Join us on a journey across continents, celebrating cultures and stories that connect our world.

A vibrant depiction of Earth from space, showcasing its oceans and continents. Clear visibility of the major continents (e.g., Africa, Europe, Asia, the Americas, etc.). Different shades of blue for the oceans, with a glowing effect that emphasizes the Earth's beauty. Perhaps a soft outer glow around the Earth, symbolizing the planet's atmosphere.

Oceans and Continents: Our Amazing Planet

Ever wondered what our Earth looks like from space? It’s a beautiful blue marble, with swirls of white clouds and patches of green and brown. Those green and brown patches are[…]

Exploring the Depths: The Mysterious Interior of the Earth

Have you ever wondered what lies beneath your feet? 🌍 While we see the Earth’s surface every day—forests, mountains, oceans—what about what’s beneath all that? You might be surprised to know[…]

Transformation of Earth: From Barren Rock to Life-Sustaining Planet

The Transformation of Earth: From Barren Rock to Life-Sustaining Planet

Did you know that Earth wasn’t always the lush, vibrant planet we know today? In its earliest days, Earth was a hot, barren, and rocky world, surrounded by a thin atmosphere[…]